sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

Hello everyone and welcome to a new information on Germany, this time on its gastronomy is an interesting paragraph which explains how food is German and as they prepare

German cuisine
reminds us of American food in its emphasis on meat and potatoes, but the focus on sweet and sour flavors is strictly German.
Sweet and Savory
A Taste for the Tuber
Meat is Major
Popular sweet and sour dishes like sauerbraten(which combines a sour marinade with a sweet sauce) reveal a taste for flavors that hearken back to medieval cooking, when such combinations were popular across Europe. Vinegars, sugar, and fruits provide popular piquant sauces.
The German love of potatoes--enjoyed in salads, dumplings and pancakes--is rivaled only by the Irish. But it wasn't always so. In the mid-1700s, Frederick the Great of Prussia demanded that dubious peasants plant the curious kartoffel. Fondness followed, but gradually.
Roasted meats (braten), schnitzels, and sausages (there are more than 1,000 varieties) are star players of the German dinner plate. The prominence of meat-eating in German culture goes back to ancient times: Romans derided Germanic tribes for their vigorous meat consumption.

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